Ascension Associates
For headhunting, I focus on regional insurance distribution and would answer close clients' requests such as CHRO or senior actuaries search. We are also building up capacity in AI and data science search.
For executive coaching, at the moment we focus on an individual level.
For facilitating, we do strengths-based team development with an emphasis on workplace wellbeing, we teach managers how to embrace coaching mindsets, and we work with our clients to lead in constant change with an appreciative mind.
Things we've accomplished..
Podcast Guesting:
Be Brave At Work: https://plinkhq.com/i/1486205674/e/1000577351241
On Managing Careers: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/xl29-larraine-chang-successful-careers-are-by-design/id1471486300?i=1000567971285
On Talent Acquisition, Wellbeing and Leadership: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1k1x2Z1vyo
On Executive Coaching: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/arete-coach-podcast-1096-larraine-chang-work-it-till/id1542648381?i=1000582856636
Contact Info
Business Number
Business Email
larraine chang
Business Support, Coaching & Education, Legal Services
14 Tai Koo Wan Rd, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong