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Swoop Lifestyle

Swoop Lifestyle

Swoop Lifestyle

I was inspired that Hong Kong doesn't have a lot of space and doesn't have a home organisation service. I found products that suit aesthetically pleasing results while being environmentally friendly, less plastic, reusable & renewable. I worked as a Real Estate Agent and have spent countless hours apartments throughout Hong Kong the consistent thing I noticed was not enough space, and no solution. Families have to adapt to the small space rather than have a service/product that can improve the space and create a homely environment. I have Diplomas in Interior Design & Media Design as well as Real Estate. I thought it was the right time during Covid to use my skills to provide a service. With Covid people are in Hong Kong more than ever, in their apartments, working from home and living in a space they used to use as a crash pad when everyone could travel more frequently. I believe that a clear space and a clear mind allows you to thing and act with purpose. I want to give that to my clients, they can focus on other parts of their life while their home environment is organised and peaceful.

Things we've accomplished..

Contact Info

Business Number


Business Email


Molly Carter


Home & Interiors


Central, Hong Kong

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©2024 Women of Hong Kong. All Rights Reserved.

4th floor Hollywood Commercial House,

3-5 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong

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