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Introducing our virtual library, ACADEMY is a collective built up of videos, podcasts and resources aimed to members within the community. The objective of ACADEMY is to create an accessible library of storytellers and instructors who possess the skills and experience that can add value to our members.

Here are ways you can use the library:

  • Take on micro-courses, our bite-sized classes that give you actionable items to takeaway.

  • Replay interactive workshops with downloadable worksheets.

  • Listen in on Inspiring stories from women in our community and people internationally.

by Women of Hong Kong


How to use the library:

Video Library

Take on micro-courses, our bite-sized classes that give you actionable items to takeaway. As well as replay interactive workshops with downloadable worksheets.​

Audio Library

Listen in on Panels you might  have have missed or inspiring stories from women in our community and people internationally!


Pay it forward! Use our Resources library to upload and share documents, books, presentation decks and other files that was helpful to you.

Video Library

How Inspiring Girls Can Change the Future
Natasha O'Brien & Current Role Models

How Inspiring Girls Can Change the Future

"Be who you needed when you were younger." By becoming a Role Model in Hong Kong, you can help make positive changes for the next generation of women in your community. Join this workshop to learn more about Inspiring Gilrs . Hear current Role Model's journies within this special organisation and how it changed their lives and the young girl's lives that they inspire. Hear personal stories, then collect the information you need to become a Role Model yourself. It goes without saying that you will fulfill your sense of social responsibility and purpose, and by reflecting and going over how you got where you are today, you’ll also rediscover your passion for what you do. Last but not the least, prepare to be inspired and surprised by the girls! You are a Role Model if: -You have a story to tell -You are working or had been working before -You want to see girls evolve You will learn: -About what it means to inspire girls in Hong Kong through this program -About current Role Models experiences -How to become a Role Model ------------- About Inspiring Girls: Inspiring Girls is a non-for-profit program that aims to connect girls between age 10-18 with inspirational women from all walks of life and industry backgrounds. They believe it is the right of every girl to be free of gender and cultural stereotype and aim high in life! They introduce young girls (aged 10-15 yrs) to the full variety of careers and options in life - and inspire them to aim high. "We welcomed the Hong Kong team to Inspiring Girls in 2019 and in the last year they have made incredible strides towards helping the girls of Hong Kong. They started their operations by running focus groups with local girls to understand more about their needs and they have used this to launch their programmes in five schools at the beginning of 2021 and they have already recruited over 150 role models to work with. They are also represented on the International Young Ambassador Network by Quincy." Sign up to be a Role Model:

©2024 Women of Hong Kong. All Rights Reserved.

4th floor Hollywood Commercial House,

3-5 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong

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